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Application X Mplayer2

by bionilucrapelne 2020. 11. 5.

Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and 2000

  1. Application X-mplayer2 Downloads
  2. Mime Type Application/x-mplayer2
  3. Application X Mplayer2 Plugin Chrome Download

Application X-mplayer2 Downloads

Recommendation: It is strongly recommended that you scan your PC to identify and correct these errors to properly view content embedded in MIME Application/X-mplayer2.

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Overview of Mplayer2.exe

What Is Mplayer2.exe?

Mplayer2.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Internet Explorer Versions developed by Microsoft for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Mplayer2.exe is, which was produced for Windows. This EXE file carries a popularity rating of 1 stars and a security rating of 'UNKNOWN'.

What Are EXE Files?

EXE ('executable') files, such as mplayer2.exe, are files that contain step-by-step instructions that a computer follows to carry out a function. When you 'double-click' an EXE file, your computer automatically executes these instructions designed by a software developer (eg. Microsoft) to run a program (eg. Internet Explorer Versions) on your PC.

Every software application on your PC uses an executable file - your web browser, word processor, spreadsheet program, etc. - making it one of the most useful kinds of files in the Windows operating system. Without executable files like mplayer2.exe, you wouldn't be able to use any programs on your PC.

Why Do I Have EXE Errors?

Because of their usefulness and ubiquity, EXE files are commonly used as a method of delivery for virus / malware infection. Often, viruses will be disguised as a benign EXE file (such as mplayer2.exe) and distributed through SPAM email or malicious websites, which can then infect your computer when executed (eg. when you double-click the EXE file).

In addition, viruses can infect, replace, or corrupt existing EXE files, which can then lead to error messages when Internet Explorer Versions or related programs are executed. Thus, any executable files that you download to your PC should be scanned for viruses before opening - even if you think it is from a reputable source.

When Do EXE Errors Occur?

EXE errors, such as those associated with mplayer2.exe, most often occur during computer startup, program startup, or while trying to use a specific function in your program (eg. printing).

Common Mplayer2.exe Error Messages

The most common mplayer2.exe errors that can appear on a Windows-based computer are:

  • 'Mplayer2.exe Application Error.'
  • 'Mplayer2.exe is not a valid Win32 application.'
  • 'Mplayer2.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.'
  • 'Cannot find mplayer2.exe.'
  • 'Mplayer2.exe not found.'
  • 'Error starting program: mplayer2.exe.'
  • 'Mplayer2.exe is not running.'
  • 'Mplayer2.exe failed.'
  • 'Faulting Application Path: mplayer2.exe.'

These EXE error messages can appear during program installation, while a mplayer2.exe-related software program (eg. Internet Explorer Versions) is running, during Windows startup or shutdown, or even during the installation of the Windows operating system. Keeping track of when and where your mplayer2.exe error occurs is a critical piece of information in troubleshooting the problem.

How-To Geek Forums / Geek Stuff

(Solved) - Shockwave Flash player plugin problem again! crashing

(24 posts)

Hi all im new to this i have Google Chrome and when I play Farmville it comes up with a box right hand side of my screen saying unresponsive then 2 options kill pages or wait so i click kill pages but when farmville does load it comes up with another message saying shockwave plugin crashed im really fed up with this and there must be something simple to fix it any links would be great i just don't understand about going and disabling the flash player that's built in with chrome and I have flash player for when i had internet explorer and flash player does the same with Firefox I give up! Please help ! Any help is much appreciated x

Hi and welcome to the forum

Is this any help https://www.howtogeek.com/103292/how-to-fix-shockwave-flash-crashes-in-google-chrome/

Might try here http://techlogon.com/2011/08/11/shockwave-flash-crashes-in-google-chrome/

Thank you will go through it tomorrow and try and figure it out so if I do what it says it should work ... in theory :)

you can always try another internet browser if you want.

If you want to stay with Chrome this does not have that problem:


To transfer your bookmarks from G/Chrome click Comodo icon (top left) > Bookmarks > Import Bookmarks and Settings > From; Chrome > Import. You will need to get your extensions again.


They are add ons to the browser to add specific functionality like one to block ads or tell you of unsafe sites.


ok.... confused very! it says i have 12 plugins? here is what i have copied and pasted

Adobe Flash Player - Version:
Shockwave Flash 11.5 r31
Name: Shockwave Flash
Description: Shockwave Flash 11.5 r31
Location: C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataGoogleChromeUser DataPepperFlash11.5.31.139pepflashplayer.dll
Type: PPAPI (out-of-process)
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash
application/futuresplash Shockwave Flash
Disable Always allowed
Microsoft速 DRM - Version:
DRM Store Netscape Plugin
Name: Microsoft速 DRM
Description: DRM Store Netscape Plugin
Location: C:Program FilesWindows Media Playernpwmsdrm.dll
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
application/x-drm Network Interface Plugin
Disable Always allowed
Windows Media Player - Version:
Npdsplay dll
Name: Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library
Description: Npdsplay dll
Location: C:Program FilesWindows Media Playernpdsplay.dll
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
application/asx Media Files
video/x-ms-asf-plugin Media Files
application/x-mplayer2 Media Files
video/x-ms-asf Media Files
.asf .asx .*
video/x-ms-wm Media Files
.wm .*
audio/x-ms-wma Media Files
.wma .*
audio/x-ms-wax Media Files
.wax .*
video/x-ms-wmv Media Files
.wmv .*
video/x-ms-wvx Media Files
.wvx .*
Disable Always allowed
Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer
This plugin allows you to securely access other computers that have been shared with you. To use this plugin you must first install the Chrome Remote Desktop webapp.
Name: Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer
Description: This plugin allows you to securely access other computers that have been shared with you. To use this plugin you must first install the Chrome Remote Desktop webapp.
Location: internal-remoting-viewer
Type: PPAPI (in-process)
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
Disable Always allowed
Microsoft速 DRM - Version:
DRM Netscape Network Object
Name: Microsoft速 DRM
Description: DRM Netscape Network Object
Location: C:Program FilesWindows Media Playernpdrmv2.dll
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
application/x-drm-v2 Network Interface Plugin
Disable Always allowed
Native Client
Name: Native Client
Location: C:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplication24.0.1312.57ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.dll
Type: PPAPI (in-process)
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
application/x-nacl Native Client Executable
Disable Always allowed
Chrome PDF Viewer
Name: Chrome PDF Viewer
Location: C:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplication24.0.1312.57pdf.dll
Type: PPAPI (in-process)
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
application/pdf Portable Document Format
application/x-google-chrome-print-preview-pdf Portable Document Format
Disable Always allowed
Adobe Reader - Version:
Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 11.0.01
Name: Adobe Acrobat
Description: Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 11.0.01
Location: C:Program FilesAdobeReader 11.0ReaderBrowsernppdf32.dll
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
application/pdf Acrobat Portable Document Format
application/vnd.adobe.pdfxml Adobe PDF in XML Format
application/vnd.adobe.x-mars Adobe PDF in XML Format
application/vnd.fdf Acrobat Forms Data Format
application/vnd.adobe.xfdf XML Version of Acrobat Forms Data Format
application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml Acrobat XML Data Package
application/vnd.adobe.xfd+xml Adobe FormFlow99 Data File
Disable Always allowed
Google Update - Version:
Name: Google Update
Location: C:Program FilesGoogleUpdate1.3.21.124npGoogleUpdate3.dll
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
Disable Always allowed
McAfee Security Scanner + - Version: 3,0,313,0
McAfee MSS+ NPAPI Plugin
Name: McAfee Security Scanner +
Description: McAfee MSS+ NPAPI Plugin
Version: 3,0,313,0
Location: C:Program FilesMcAfee Security Scan3.0.313npMcAfeeMss.dll
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
application/mcafeemssplus-plugin npMcAfeeMss
Disable Always allowed
Windows Presentation Foundation - Version: 3.5.30729.1 built by: SP

What I am asking is do i disable every single plug in except pepperflash I have just come home sat down and thought this should be easy! to me this is just complicated but to others it may not be and i seriously appreciate the help everyone offers

Why not just use Tonys suggestion ; comodo.

Or you could try BlackHawk browser both are Chrome based and work with Flash player without problems.

ok does that have a built in plug in as chrome? do i need to download flash player again or un install flashplayer all together for these internet browsing sites to work? for something so simple im pretty confused..... and would i need to un install google chrome all together for comodo or blackhawk to work? sorry

All versions of the Chrome browser have Flash built in, you do not need to uninstall/install flash it is automated in Chrome browsers.

You do not need to uninstall Chrome (google) for installation of other Chrome based browsers it is entirely up to you.

Ok thank you so much for your help much appreciated :) just dont understand chrome so many people have had problems with flash player not working I have never heard of the browsers mentioned ..... so hopefully the 2 browsers will not conflict with each other ( in theory)! and if these 2 suggested sites do not work im back to square one and if so knowing my luck today what would be the best option... sorry again

Adding more browsers won't cause conflict....I've got 2 versions of Firefox and two versions of Chrome and IE9. The only thing that causes conflict is a browser having two or more bits of software of a very similar nature installed in it like flashplayer in Google Chrome.

I say get Comodo Dragon because I know it works without this problem and I think there's a few familiar with it here to help you not that there is much more to learn over G/Chrome.


Cant get the latest explorer as im on Windows XP at least you have the experience to pass on about these browsers.. im going to try in a minute im glad i have found this site as its very helpful and nice members to thanks again .....

Mime Type Application/x-mplayer2

Nope nothing still doesnt want to work on comodo???

lottynorton, this is a new article on pepper flash. You might want to check http://techlogon.com/2013/02/12/bug-in-google-chrome-lets-pepper-flash-player-keep-enabling-itself/

Application X Mplayer2

I tried to disable the Chrome plug in, but every time I restart it's there again. I followed the step by step and everything looks as it does on your post. How do I get rid of it? Also, there is another plugin for Shockwave for Director. Should that be disabled as well? I like Chrome, but this is crazy. It goes through times where it is barely crawling, and then speeds up like there is no problem at all. Thanks.

Hiya yes someone put a link about disabling pepper flash still nothing works at all

Type: about:plugins in the address bar and press Enter.

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Application X Mplayer2 Plugin Chrome Download

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